Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday 6/27/2010

Finished prosealing and riveting the 2 outside ribs to the fuel tank.

Alodyned the fuselage attach brackets and reinforcing ribs.

Prosealed and rivet the brackets to the fuel tank.

Left tank ribs all compete.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday 6/26/2010

Prosealed and riveted the three middle ribs into the left fuel tank.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday 6/20/2010

Prosealed and riveted the fuel cap to the fuel tank.

Prosealed and riveted the fuel drain to the fuel tank.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday 6/19/2010

Set up left fuel tank to rivet and proseal bottom stiffener angles.  The proseal keeps the tanks from leaking from around the rivets.

Finished prosealing and rivets bottom stiffeners

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday 6/17/2010

Riveted on rear spar to wing ribs.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday 6/13/2010

Finished dimpling all main ribs and rear spar.  Installed angles to main ribs 1 through 7 and installed back onto the main spar for the last time.  Installed AN3 bolts and nuts to main ribs 1 through 7.  Pop riveted ribs to main spar with L4-3 pop rivets and riveted other ribs when you can get to both sides to buck.

Riveted aileron bellcrank support angles and cross braces to ribs.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday 6/12/2010

The picture shows a special Averys tool for putting a slight crease along the edge of an aluminum sheet.  This helps the sheet to lay flat after riveting it.

Leading edge clecoed together and ready to rivet.

But first, you need to install all of the main ribs and make sure all bolts and nuts line up in the appropriate holes.  If there is a problem, you dont want to have to drill out a bunch of rivets to fix it.

Orange goop on nut shows its been tightened to the proper torque.

Leading edge riveting completed.  time 7.5 hrs

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday 6/6/2010

110 degree heat with direct sun in the afternoon on the southwest facing hanger means unbearable temps inside the hanger.  Limited electrical to each hanger means you can't run an evap cooler and a compressor at the same time so its time to move the work back home.

Jig resetup in garage. Continued with cutting the hole in the main spar for the wing tie-down ring.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Did some more priming and finished riveting leading edge of right wing.  5 hrs.